Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Tomatoes, Herbs and Knitting

Four little tomato plants in little 2" x 2" containers, each planted in their own pot back in June have miraculously turned into this:

Monday, July 06, 2009

There be knitting here

There has been quite a bit of knitting going on here, despite the many Knit and Chats where I sat with untouched knitting in my lap! I have finished my February Lady (the green) and have one sleeve left on Lily (the beige) I began Frances (the purple) when Lily's sleeves were giving me a touch of a gauge problem, which I have since solved. I am sure there is something in the air here that seems to make you knit faster... I have not ever finished, or come close to finishing, sweaters in such a short span of time!

I attended the World Wide Knit in Public day festivities at Shall We Knit in New Hamburg a couple of weekends back. We dyed sock blanks, my first foray into dyeing of any kind. I was skeptical of the outcome, but was pleasantly surprised when I actually started knitting with it. It was a fun day, and James tagged along and got to meet all my new friends. New Hamburg is a quaint little town with adorable shops and some of the best pizza I have had in a while.

The hair got straightened temporarily on a brief but sad visit to Orlando this past week. I always have to document it, it just looks so different!

The house is coming along, and we are slowly making it our own. After much trial and error, we are very close to having the living room finished. My office is quickly becoming a haven where I can watch the neighbors go by as I work at my computer. Although I have made sure that James has his own spot also, he has not yet taken advantage of it. We will have to fix that eh? :-)

What do you think he is thinking?

The Yard

Just a few pictures of what has come to life in the yard since we have moved in. These were taken in mid June, so even more has started blooming since then. Apparently the yard was planned to constantly be in bloom somewhere, so when some die off, others begin. We are so fortunate to have inherited such a well maintained garden. Since it was covered in snow when we purchased the house, we really had no idea what we had. James has only had to do a bit of trimming, feeding and re-mulching, and while not necessarily easy, it could have been much worse!